
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Noting that I still do not hold any whatsoever desire to turn this into a diary, this article starts just from there. Months ago, on a show I watched, the fans moaned (=QQed) that there was not enough action. Today, I saw complaints that there is too much.

Human satisfaction. I am coming to think it must be an illusion for so many people. People that call themselves 'realists', people that think they're views are objective about the situation. On and on they go about what they are missing, what they would like not to see.

These people hate every single boss out there, every possible superior is suddenly the bad guy; meanwhile, they are always the victim! Awww... Poor guys/girls... Yes, sometimes we all fall into that trap, but that is normal. What isn’t however, is when this is constant.

See? The teacher clearly hates me, although my work is flawless, he put me an A= (if such a mark exists). Oh, and remember when he gave me that look which said 'FINISH HIM!' ? I have the worst of luck, my cell just ran out of batteries, the cable stopped right in the middle of my favorite soap. There is too little action, there is too much action, the fan base (amount of fans) is too big, the fan base is too small and last, but not least, somebody ate my cookies!

I repeat, sometimes there is a very valid reason to not be pleased with something. I am now. That being said though, when this reaches the level when everyone ceases to say anything positive, I think things might have gone wrong.

The teacher hates you, does he? At least you have a teacher. At least your school isn't suffering from bomb attacks. At least security doesn't fear suicide bombers or terrorists. Your cell just ran out of batteries - at least you have a place where to charge it in peace. But your cable stopped, oh noes!

Big wow. Is that worth complaining for one week? One month? Think a bit what you have. And, although my examples were a bit specific, take this into the bigger picture. Consider all the things that you claim to be big problems. Then, consider the amount of time you spent on moaning about them. Realistic? Give me a break.

What’s worse, it might reach a stage where nothing is as good as it should be anymore. Somehow, I don’t know why, people are convinced that if they keep moaning about things they can not change, they will feel better. If I didn’t know better, I’d think the mistake was in me.

Shit happens. It's not pleasant. And if it’s not pleasant, why do you constantly bother yourself with it?

"It is a small world"

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by Haridim

Before you think anything else - no, I'm not turning this blog into an e-diary and I don't plan to. I won't talk about how I met someone whom I haven't seen since 10 or so years, saying "It's such a small world!"

Simply because it is not a small world.

The world is huge. The people/ ideas given by people you could see is a very big number, one that would surpass this entire post.

Let's take for example the ideas first - book plots. I've visited some sites about writing recently and they claim the same thing: everything has been done before. No matter what you think of, somebody has thought of it already. Or, let's say you're into fashion - golden rule, know the previous fashions. Why? Because you never know what old idea could become new again (but when you do, you'd already know what to do).

But enough about ideas. Let's talk about people. You know how you met that guy whom you stopped seeing years ago..? I bet you were like "Oh my god! It is such a small world! I didn't think I'd see you again!" and then continue saying random stuff that don't really matter and that in no way will make the person want to see you again. He/she probably won't want to see you again, no. Why is that? Because you haven't changed. Because he hasn't changed. That's truly the reason why you met again. And why you won't meet again. Both of you are the same people. You had something in common once and you still have. That's why you eventually bump into each other again. But, if he or she had a reason to stop seeing you... then don't expect much (ofc, sometimes it's just "I don't know why we stopped seeing each other").

"Yes, but I met him at a bus stop!"

That might be because you live in the same town. It's a small chance yes, a very slim one, but consider the fact you haven't bumped into him for 10 years, when you could've. 10 years, that's 3650 days. How many times a day you pass by a bus stop a day? Yup, it's only a matter of time.

The world is not small. Man, however, and his perception of the world, are. A person doesn't change, even though he could so easily. All he has to do is be fair to himself. And don't go on telling me about how it's that hard to do as a task. It isn't. You're probably working/ studying with a lot of people together. I bet you speak a lot with only 1/10 of the people. Do an experiment.

Let's say you think you have a great dressing style. Not saying that you don't, but do this experiment. Go to somebody who is outside your usual group and ask him/her what he/she thinks of your clothing. Then, before he (or she) says anything, repeat at least a couple of times that you need an honest and fair opinion and not just "It suits you" usual answer. Repeat it a couple of times, so it gets into his head. Then listen carefully. Now, it might not
be as good as you would imagine. It might be good, but it might have some remarks. Listen carefully and try to understand why he thinks so. Don't start yelling at him/ her, but instead say a "Thank you" and think for a while. Just an example of how you could change your view, widen your world. Accept criticism.

That's all it takes to change. But nobody does it. It's considered impolite. People are rarely objective. Oh no. It's so much easier to think you're quite well in everything you're doing. After all, you're not seeing any mistakes, right? It must be good... And is it your fault that the world suddenly shrunk?

P.S. Thanks are due to brainwagon, who originally uploaded this picture on some blog, so that I could access it from Google.

21 March

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Haridim
Hello again.

Looking at the title, you're probably wondering what's it have to do with the date.

Today is 21 March. Today my sister got even older, her 2nd decade was achieved. And, although I say it in a manner that wouldn't suggest it, I am very pleased that my sister has a birthday, so much that I couldn't skip at least a couple of lines on a post, dedicated to something completely different. I'll try and sum up my love for my sister with this sole sentence: the fact that she is born today means for me that this day will be forever good, no matter what happens in the future.

Apart from her birthday though, this day is also the day pronounced to be dedicated for the war (yes, it is a war) against discrimination and more specially, against racism.

I couldn't find any suitable racism-concerning photos, so I picked this one. But it's a day mainly for the war against racism. Ageism and all the other -isms aren't that famous yet.

First of all, let me say that I am absolutely 100% against discrimination of any kind. I could even agree if my very own grandmother goes bungee jumping (sorry if I made a typo in bungee).

Now comes the 'but' part, though. I dislike where the 'discrimination' propaganda has reached.

It has become a publicity means. VIP persons use the phrase "I am against discrimination!" to get famous most of the times. Politicians use it for those means as well. In general, a lot of people aren't really against any sorts of -isms, but they just want to sound like they do. Attention whores. Like the people quoting Einstein, about which I spoke on my first proper post in English.

Also, some parts of the 'war' against discrimination has caused such on their own. I'm referring to the picture. Things have reached such a state, that sometimes certain people are ignored, because there MUST be a woman/black person/young/old person/etc. The latter aren't fit for the job, not because of their age/sex/colour of the skin, but simply because they don't have the qualifications. Because of law suits though, the company is obliged to have at least one of the aforementioned to not go to court.

Example. If the company is newly formed and there is just one last spot, let's say assistant. There are few of these 'discriminated' people working in the company, if any. And if such candidates arrive to the interview, they're the ones to get picked, no matter how suitable they are for the job.

What I'm aiming to get at is, by all means, be against discrimination. But be against it in its full meaning. Because as far as I know, at the moment its definition should be "Let one black man, one woman, an Asian, a cripple and a too young person in your company, so that they can't sue you; feel free to discriminate for all the rest of the job spots, though".

Racism before - "Hey, nigger (sorry for the word), come and peel off the potatoes". Racism now "Hey, these are black guys. Pick one, but not more and take them into whatever they're needed for. Pick just one, no matter if he's suitable or not, by random. If we're lucky, he might be suitable. If not - ah well, at least nobody can say I'm racist".

Today is "Against discrimination day". My advice: Think about those words in its full meaning. Don't just walk on the surface of the problem. Treat everyone equally. Don't give anyone any advantages based on their gender, colour etc. Be fair. To everyone around you. By all means, hire women, old ladies or gentlemen whose teeth are long gone, hire young boys or girls who have just reached adolescence, hire Asians, black people. But do it because of who they are, not how they look. Leave the prejudices behind. Do that and you'll see that suddenly, your group has all types of discriminated societies. Because the world is full of such capable people.



Friday, March 20, 2009


If you happen to be absolutely unable to read, not to mention understand, the language below, then please refer to the post below it, which happens to be in Еnglish.

A това би трябвало да е и първият пост на български.

Той ще бъде свързан с рекламите, които ние ежедневно виждаме. Първоначално негативните неща, после и хубавите (О да, има!).

Всички знаем качеството на рекламите. Голяма част от нас вече знаят и защо те са направени толкова глупави и безсмислени или в най-добрия случай - най-случайното/ненамясто нещо, което някой някога е виждал. Да, добре, това се набива в човешкото съзнание също така. Тук обаче има един огромен пропуск, който много хора не виждат.

Какво се случва, когато всички реклами станат невероятно тъпи?

Спират да се различават. Докато преди беше лесно да се впечатлиш от нещо просто неочаквано, сега трябва истински талант, за да се набие рекламата с глупостта си. Казват, че било лесно да си тъп. В случая на PR-ите обаче трябва да си гениален, за да измислиш нещо достатъчно тъпо. А е ясно, че не всеки е гений. Следователно, вече има висок шанс новата реклама - не, не старата МЕГА ТЪПА реклама, която служеше за виц около 2 седмици, а новата, която никой не е забелязал още, да остане в сянката на онази друга мега тъпа реклама, защото тя е още по-безсмислена.

Естествено и за жалост никой не се сеща, че в момента няма такова нещо като "добре направена" реклама, т.е. изисква се много малко, за да бъде тя такава. Това не е пазарна ниша, о не. Това е огромна дупка, яма направо! Но кой да се сети?

Но нека да видим реакцията на потребителя. Окей, ясно, най-тъпите са запомнени. Какво се случва с по-голямата част от рекламите обаче? Ами... дразнят го. Той превключва канала, отива да си направи пуканки, отива да отдели цялата изпита(досега) бира, поръчва си още едно, решава да прегърне (или да плесне по задника) жената, накратко - малките неща, които човек прави, когато има около 5 минути за убиване.

С 2 думи - рекламният ни бизнес съква. Смешното е, че дори не се печелят толкова пари така. Защото хората не мислят в перспектива. Човекът си измисля рекламата, нали? И то забележително бързо! Да, ама не се сеща, че една 'хубава' (тя не може да е красива, но ми писна да повтарям добре направена, а и наистина закъснявам) реклама ще му даде повече работа, да не говорим, че тя би била най-добрата инвестиция в живота му, особено взимайки предвид тази пазарна яма в този бизнес. Стига се до там, че компаниите се усещат да искат високо качество, ама няма кой да им изпълни поръчката (имаше кастинг, доколкото чух, за реклама на Nescafé 3 в 1).

Сега за нещо позитивно.

Нашите реклами може да са по-зле от вида на един тираджия след целодневен престой в един гаден и задушен ТИР (не, нямат нищо общо двете, но все пак мисля, че схващаш какво искам да кажа), но поне са кратки. В чужбина те са поне 15 минути. Ок, интересни са, но се повтарят в един рекламен блок по 4 пъти. Аз лично съм по-навит за 5 минутна пауза.

И сега се чувствам значително по-добре - не е толкова зле да знаеш, че има нещо, което е по-добро тук.

И да, като един истински българин отделих 4 реда да говоря за положителното и 28 за отрицателното на родното. Патриотично.

If you're still alive after the boring intro...

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay, enough about the boring intro then. I didn't really want to write today, but I had to: after all,the blog is way too new.


Okay, it will be an old subject of mine, which might (and probably will) annoy me, but for the sake of you, the readers... I'll do it (yes, you should be giving me chocolates or pizza in return for that sacrifice).

Recently, I've noticed a trend in the internetz: Quotes that make you look 'cool'. I'm talking about those quotes that appear next to the avatar of a person.

Seriously, do you actually like or think about what you write there? In 90 percent of the cases, it's something along the lines of "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former ". That's said by Albert Einstein and I swear to whatever god is out there, if I could, I'd shoot on sight the person who wrote his words for all eternity. The other is "I love you!!!!!!!!!! I can't live without you, you're my soul, sun, moon" after just one or two weeks of even knowing the girl (I bet if he was given some truth serum, then the sun, soul and moon will be replaced by the words "I simply like having sex with you that much), which is a bit too much for a teenager (usually they write these things). Of course, exceptions exist.

About the first: Damn. My personal thoughts : The majority of these posters think that it makes them cool and intelligent, but it's so obvious that they don't look up to Einstein all day and that they direly want to look better than the rest, yet it's so obvious that it becomes pathetic. There are exceptions - if you're really into these kinds of stuff or if it's not such a famous quote, but something fascinating that nobody ever heard of, then that makes you look interesting. The former makes you look like an attention whore.

And "I love you!!!" spam... Seriously, do you love her? You might like her, but for a week or two you probably don't even know her. And yet, I keep seeing comments like "I can't live without you", "you are my shining star in the darkness", "you are my spring in the winter", etc. Coming from teenage boys. After a one week relationship (It is acceptable, if it's a long term thing
, yeah, but one week?).


And thanks for reading. Now, I must fulfill a quest. For my mother asked me to buy a pizza. I kissed her and asked myself "Since when do I need anyone to ask me to buy pizza?!".

A boring intro/"Преди употреба прочетете листовката"


Hello and thanks for reading this, it's the very first post I'm making. / Малко по-надолу е същото, ама на български.

First of all, a bit of info that I like to write, so that when newcomers come, you could always redirect people to this post.

Posts will be in two languages: English and Bulgarian. The info originally had to be the same in both languages, but then I decided - meh, I can't be arsed and the posts will become too long. Instead, posts in Bulgarian will concern problems inside the country. Posts in English will concern general things.

Also, if I think of any more useless boring things you will never read, I will post them here.

So much for the boring intro. I'm making a new post, not containing such dull things.

Ъъъъ... Хай. Благодаря за любопитството, но този пост няма да съдържа кой знае какво. Всъщност, нищо важно.

Това, което написах по-горе всъщност вече би трябвало да е очевидно - постовете могат да бъдат написани на 2 езика. На български от уважение и на английски от нуждата ми за популяризация (да не говорим, че езикът, който ползвам, е доста флууднат от чуждици... очевидно). На български освен това ще бъдат и постове за проблеми в България - като например нови закони, въведения, вечерни часове или Music Idol (да, толкова зле е). На английски ще бъдат по-универсалните постове.

Ъъъ... да, толкова засега. Ако не бях толкова отвеян, щях да се сетя за другите глупости, които трябваше да запълнят този пост.

А и бтв... asile (първоначалното име на този блог, сменено на 2рия ден) означава подслон. Не, това го нямаше в английската версия, но аз си знам просто, че българинът няма да потърси в гугъл. Не че сега има значение.